It's about time
“Momento “ (mixed media), by Cambridge, Mass.-based George Shaw, in his show “Ad Tempus,’’ at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, May 7-30
He says:
"Time and its measure appears to be central to our understanding of ourselves and existence itself. It all comes down to ticking away the moments to living in the moment and owning it.
“Ultimately our search comes down to attempting to grasp this floating nonexisting thing, this moment. Once it's in hand it slips away in an instant to the past, growing further away and less true by the moment.
“We walk through the forest of our life trying to name and understand everything and in the end miss being present.
“It's been said that the artist functions to among other things to stop time, to commit moments to eternity that human nature made tangible, which on its face seems improbable.’’
“{My} work is an continuing attempt to stop time and explore the idea of the moment.
“{I} continue to use various mediums, combined with various materials including wood, metal and glass, to create my paintings and sculpture.’’