Leap year at the Chazan Gallery
“Total Lunar Eclipse November 8, 2003 “ (photo), by Robert Horton, in the group show “Intercalary Event 2020,’’ at the Chazan Gallery at the Wheeler School, Providence, Feb. 13 through March 4. Robert Horton grinds and polishes optics for telescopes and has spent over 40 years photographing the night sky.
The gallery notes:
”An 'intercalary event’ refers to a day or month inserted into a calendar to allow said calendar to align with the solar year. Feb. 29, more often known as Leap Day, is a intercalary event that will be occurring this year.
“Intercalary Event 2020” shows the artwork of, besides Mr. Horton, Katie Bullock, Sean Salstrom and Jocelyne Prince.