Gorgeous globes
Work by Josh Simpson in his show “Josh Simpson: 50 Years of Glass,’’ at Salmon Falls Gallery, Shelburne Falls, Mass., through Dec. 31.
— Photo courtesy Salmon Falls Gallery.
The gallery says:
“In this exhibit, Josh Simpson looks back on his half-century of work in glass, displaying pieces that cover the breadth of what he can create. Notably, large, mesmerizing glass globes catch the eye. Also displayed are photos and video that show his process and technique. For more information, please visit here.’’
The famous Bridge of Flowers, along an old trolley bridge over the Deerfield River in Shelburne Falls.
‘Natural patterns’
“What Was Scattered Gathers, v8” (drypoint and collagraph on stained Kitakata paper), by Massachusetts artist Carolyn Webb, in her show “Carolyn Webb: Works on paper: Drawings and Prints,’’ at Salmon Fall Gallery, Shelburne Falls, Mass., through Oct. 1
The gallery says:
“This show highlights Webb's intricate and twisting work on paper. Delicate, winding lines arranged in patterns that evoke images of the natural patterns are highlighted with ephemeral pops of color. Webb's work weaves print and drawing to create a larger whole.”
The famous Bridge of Flowers, in Shelburne Falls, over the Deerfield River. It connects that town with Buckland.
Flowering reuse
"The Bridge of Flowers,'' in Shelburne Falls, Mass.
-- Photo by FFM784
From Robert Whitcomb's "Digital Diary,'' in GoLocal24.com
There’s a lot of abandoned infrastructure in New England. After all, we’re an old region. It’s always pleasant to see old structures reused in ingenious ways. Take the Bridge of Flowers, in Shelburne Falls, in western Massachusetts. This is a lovely arched concrete railroad span built in 1908 by the evocatively named Shelburne Falls & Colrain Street Railway Co.
The bridge was abandoned in 1927 because of the financial woes of the company and was quickly overgrown with weeds. But within a couple of years, local volunteers came up with the idea of carting soil onto the bridge and turning it into something that they named the Bridge of Flowers. It became a tourist attraction, with a great diversity of blooms through the growing season.
So important -- psychologically, sociologically and economically -- had the Bridge of Flowers become that when in the early ‘80s, the bridge required major repairs, locals came up with more than half a million dollars to fix it. Volunteers continue to plant and care for the plants
Heartening reuse. You could to say the same thing about bike paths on old railroad rights of way, although it would be better for the environment and economy if some of these old routes were instead passenger rail lines again. Even the famous East Bay Bike Path, in Rhode Island.