Complex water view
“Parhelion, Full Flower Moon,’’ by Maine-based art photographer Linda Mahoney, in the group show “Lens Remembrance,’’ a collection of the work of Maine and New Hampshire artists using photography as an art form, at the Lakes Gallery at Chi-Lin, Laconia, N.H., June 6-July 21
‘Yearnings for freedom’
Work by Alice Garik in her show “Veil, the Well, the Fire,’’ at The Lakes Gallery at Chi-Lin, Laconia, N.H., through Sept. 4
Ms. Garik explains:
“In this work I use the language of forms to connect physically and spiritually with the burden of enforced wearing of a head covering. The forbidding black forms above which the young girl rises, as she looks beyond as if into the future, hold and appear to subdue a woman below them. I also use the language of color—blue, the color of open skies is intertwined in the girl’s hair and the red lines are for the fires {in the Ala Khaki poem that goes with this work}. With these colors I speak of the yearnings for freedom for the women of Iran.’’