Shared spaces in tension
“I Doubled My Sleep Shirts When We Met’’ (house paint and oils on vinyl), by Hilary Tait Norod, in her March 5-30 show, “If You’re a Chair, I’m a Chair,” in the Chandler Gallery at Maud Morgan Arts in Cambridge. The gallery says:
“The exhibition investigates the dichotomy of two individuals joining in marriage or domestic partnership and their shared spaces. Its explores the romantic tensions of a loving relationship with an autobiographical and feminist lens, utilizing a thinking-as-making process to navigate gender roles, and familial and societal expectations of partnership. The title represents two conversations I hope to foster in the work. Love = the desire and commitment to your forever person and the balance of gender equity in relationships today. ‘‘
And the other on a neck
“One Foot On The Floor (oil, charcoal, graphite, gold leaf, glitter on linen), by Hilary Tait Norod, in her show at Workbar Central Square, Cambridge.
After our lost weekend
"Evolution of Love" (oil and mixed media on canvas), by Hilary Tait Norod, in a show at University Place Gallery, Cambridge, Mass., March 31-April 28.
Angry artists
"Monsters Under the Bed'' (charcoal, graphite powder, binding threat and collage on canvas), by Hilary Tait Norod in a one-day group show titled "Re-Volt-Ing'' in protest of the coming to power of Donald Trump. The show will be 7 to 10 p.m. Jan. 20 at The Distillery Gallery, South Boston.
But wash first
"Come and Rest Your Bones with Me'' (oil and mixed media), by Hilary Tait Norod, at Sotheby's Unlimited, Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass.
And we'll triumph
"Send Lawyers, Guns and Money - Warren Zevon" (oil, charcoal, graphite, pastel, collage and glitter on canvas), by Hilary Tait Norod, showing at Christopher's Restaurant, Cambridge, Mass.
Let me rest up a bit first
"Come and Rest Your Bones With Me" (oil, charcoal, graphite, mica and golf leaf on panel), by Hilary Tait Norod, in her show "Are You Crazy With Me,'' at Jerome Street Studios, Medford, Mass.