‘Between real and imaginary’
“Manana twilight”(acrylic on linen), by Dozier Bell, in her show “Genius loci,’’ at Sarah Bouchard Gallery, Woolwich, Maine, through Sept. 15.
The gallery says that Bell's work "embodies a reckoning with the unseen forces that shape and transform our lives," and her paintings "straddle the line between real and imaginary places while still evoking the powerful imagery of low-light scenes.''
In Woolwich around the turn of the last century.
But you end up on the ground
"Updraft'' (acrylic on linen), by Dozier Bell, in his show at Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells, Maine, through Sept. 9.
Air force
"Flock, haze'' (acrylic on linen), by Dozier Bell, in a group show at Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells, Maine, Aug. 10-Sept. 9. The gallery says his "landscapes are created from memory, reliant upon an intrinsic awareness of patterns of light and dark, movement and color. Conjuring the unknowable forces that shape our lives and environment, Bell's work offers a masterful immersion within sky, land, water, bird and air.''