Seaside social trauma
Bailey's Beach after Superstorm Sandy in 2012, with "Rejects' Beach'' in the foreground.
From Robert Whitcomb's "Digital Diary,'' in
U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is a Democrat, and Democrats pride themselves on representing a wider range of ethnic and socio-economic groups than Republicans, who, whatever their populist rhetoric, in practice display a special affection for the rich. Democrats present themselves as particularly sensitive to the needs and aspirations of low-and-middle-income people and ethnic minorities.
The senator is gearing up for his re-election campaign in 2018.
So the senator may feel himself in a quandary about the all-white, all-rich Bailey’s Beach club, in Newport. (The official name is the Spouting Rock Beach Association.)
He has a very close association with the club as a former member and through his wife’s continuing membership. He has many friends there. Furthermore, the club is very conveniently close to their Newport house.
Freedom of association is a wonderful thing and a cousin of the First Amendment, but for practical political reasons – i.e., “the optics’’ – Mr. Whitehouse, who is very much part of the old WASP aristocracy, will presumably face considerable political pressure to separate himself from such a symbol of exclusion as the campaign heats up. It’s his business of course. And his capacity to be agood senator would seem little affected one way or the other. But Bailey’s will come upnext year, though he’ll almost certainly be re-elected.
I have been to Bailey’s Beach and found the members I metthere cool, cordial and quiet. But as a reminder of the fragility of all human institutions, an overly fragrant mass of seaweed covered much of the lower beach that day.