Proustian painting
"Not Enough Walking'' (oil on canvas) by James Kinny, in his show "Roil & Hush,'' at Matter & Light Fine Art, Boston, through June 30.
The gallery comments:
"The thick, rich and matted surface of Kinny's art serves as a visual journal; through sensitive handling of color and texture. Kinny maps out and explores the canvas through thought and emotion, building over time into a subtle, varied and vast landscape of human experience. When someone views a piece of art that strikes a chord within them, they in turn will have added their own thoughts and emotions to the overall interpretation of Kinny's art.
"'Sometimes a piece can either take up to six months or ten years--there are parts of the canvas completely covered and other times one spot of the canvas hasn't been touched," Kinny said while describing his methods; he wants the viewer to ... be able to see how he approaches the canvas. One way this can be done is that the viewer examines how they relate to each painting. These layers of oil are representing a memory, either an argument or tender moment.''