New England Diary

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Quiet urban hero

Adapted from Robert Whitcomb's "Digital Diary,'' in

A charming if a bit sad article in the Worcester Telegram the other week told the story of Peter Paradis, who is basically the only municipal employee charged with picking up the litter in downtown Worcester. He’s had this usually thankless job since 2008.

He noted how nasty the downtown would look if the plastic bags, bottles, cigarette butts and so on weren’t picked up for a week (which ispresumably what happens when he’s on vacation). “I think it would be quite nasty. The owners of buildings don’t clean out in front of their buildings. And people just don’t use the trash bins that much,’’ even though there are two trash barrels on most blocks.

“Some just accept that someone else is going to pick it up.’’

Poor Mr. Paradis,  diligently doing battle against America’s slob culture. Hit this link: