Honeybee swarm in the woods
From Robert Whitcomb’s “Digital Diary,’’ in GoLocal24.com
Eastern Equine Encephalitis, a rare but dangerous disease carried by mosquitoes, is popping up earlier than usual this year in southeastern New England because of our very warm and humid summer. So Massachusetts authorities have ordered spraying. Let’s hope they do it with as much precision as possible and don’t kill a lot of bees, which of course are essential for pollination, and which are already under a lot of environmental stress, much of it manmade.
Ferry docking area of downtown Block Island (town of New Shoreham.
Looking north over the island.
Block Island includes a curious mix of very rich people who a decade or two ago would have been in the Hamptons but now have McMansions on the island and day trippers too many of whom seem more interested in getting drunk with their pals than in enjoying the little isle’s scenic grandeur.