Focusing on transience
“The Longest Night” (encaustic painting), by Melissa Rubin, a Saxtons River, Vt..-based artist.
She says:
“My art, in its all its varied forms, reflects the ephemeral, transient nature of emotion and experience. Spanning the worlds of urban and rural living, the architecture and environment of both locations, i.e. rectilinear and organic forms, works its way into my art. References to textiles, grids, doors, gates, portals, growth, branches and decay, all weave together to form a hybrid depiction of my outer and inner landscape. The media I choose functions as my personal vocabulary of expression, as well as standing in as proxy to emotional states of mind. I consciously work with materials that help to facilitate a sense of light, darkness and mystery.’’
Start of a game of water polo on Main Street in Saxtons River, after the Fourth of July parade in 2013. Volunteer firefighters try to spray the ball down the street to a goal. Looking west at the Saxtons River Historical Society (a former Congregational church).
— Photo by Pbergstrom