Some safe in memory
The inside and outside of the pocket watch I inherited from my father. The watch seems to have been a gift in honor of his graduation from high school, in 1935. It was made by the late-lamented Waltham (Mass.) Watch Co. (1850-1957). Waltham Watch, also known as the American Waltham Watch Co. and the American Watch Co., made about 40 million watches, clocks, speedometers, compasses, time fuses and other precision instruments in its long life. The company's 19th-Century manufacturing facilities in Waltham have been preserved as the American Waltham Watch Company Historic District.
— Robert Whitcomb
“Some things you get back,
but they’re not the same.
Some, though lost,
remain in memory that cannot be shorn.
and some
are just gone.’’
— From “Memories of an Antique Pocket Watch,’’ by Chris LaMay-West, a Burlington, Vt.-based poet and former editor of Mud Season Review