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The moose, the state mammal, at the Maine State Museum, in Augusta
— Photo by Billy Hathorn
“There has been more talk about the weather around here this year than common, but there has been more weather to talk about. For about a month now we have had solid cold — firm, business-like cold that stalked in and took charge of the countryside as a brisk housewife might take charge of someone else’s kitchen in an emergency. Clean, hard, purposeful cold, unyielding and unremitting. Some days have been clear and cold, others have been stormy and cold. We have had cold with snow and cold without snow, windy cold and quiet cold, rough cold and indulgent peace-loving cold. But always cold.”
— E.B. White on his first full year at a his farm in Brooklin, on the Blue Hill Peninsula, on the Maine Coast. This essay appeared in his collection One Man’s Meat (1944). Winters tend to be milder and shorter now.
“In Deep Winter,’’ by Richard von Drasche-Wartinberg