'When allowed to breathe'

"Ninth Avenue Quartet IV'' (oil on canvas), by Melissa Mayer,  in her show "Melissa Meyer: Hitting the Right Notes,'' at Heather Guadio Fine Art, New Canaan, Conn., May 12-June 23.The gallery says:"Meyer's abstract paintings have a signature ca…

"Ninth Avenue Quartet IV'' (oil on canvas), by Melissa Mayer,  in her show "Melissa Meyer: Hitting the Right Notes,'' at Heather Guadio Fine Art, New Canaan, Conn., May 12-June 23.

The gallery says:

"Meyer's abstract paintings have a signature calligraphy and rhythmic curvilinear vernacular that are more complex than they initially seem.  Like a good bottle of wine, her works open up when allowed to breathe and the more one looks, the more notes are savored.   Her lengthy career stands as a testament to her authenticity, with forty-plus solo exhibitions, commissions, teaching and artist-in-residence positions here and abroad. ''



Think diffidence, not surliness


Taking it down