New England Diary

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Be a clown

''1589 VFW Pkwy'' (mixed medium on wood panel), by SAM EARLE, in his show "Circus,'' at Adelson Galleries, Boston, through Oct. 14.
The gallery says "Sam Earle’s mixed media paintings are composed of tediously layered, hand-painted transfers on hollow-core wood panels. He embellishes some images with tacks that are painted over, and then glazed with acrylic. The extensive process of his paintings reflects the eclectic nature of the artist’s inspirations. Earle’s works range in subject from circus themes to elements of antiquity mixed with his own icons and invented symbols.''

''Circus'' plays with the  advertisements for a once  loved pastime.

Who could forget the turtles and lizards in those Chinese-restaurant takeout boxes  you'd take home from the circus to die? And the smell of cotton candy, popcorn,  orange soda and  manure.