”Fulfilled” (mixed media), by Shelley Loheed, in her show “Getting Answers:
/order_behind,’’ at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, April 20-May 2.
The Massachusetts artist says:
"The painting and drawing in this series investigate geometric designs derived from traditional patterns. Grids are the substructure of geometric art.
“I have been working with these patterns for some time. Narrowing my focus in this body of work to just the underlying grid.
“The grid becomes the center from which the image emerges out of creating the drawing's subtle underpinning, which gets revealed and obscured by fluid gestural improvisations. The series combines two modes of working. The grid's underlying order and the spontaneous layers of washes, splashes, and strong brushwork allow for the chance interplay of wet media and drawing.
“The subgrids are rarely shown in traditional art. They are considered part of the underlying structure of reality, the substrate of the cosmos. The paintings and drawings capture an image of a fraction of a second caught in an imaginary universe."