Joint human-insect anxiety


"It is the air of urgency which strikes a responsive chord in me when I see him (a wooly caterpillar} on a garden path in late September. His consciousness, if any, must be dim. He cannot know why he is in a hurry, only that he is. But I recognize in myself a similar vague uneasiness. My preparations for the winter have been made.....But the confidence of summer has imperceptibly faded. Something impends.

"When I was a boy I used to attribute this feelings of uneasiness to the knowledge that I would be going unwillingly to school again. As a matter of fact, I still have to do just that, and perhaps this is part of the reason why something within me begins to grow tense. But it is certainly no more than a factor or even a rationalization. Isia isabella (wooly caterpillar} and I know in our nerves and our muscles that something pretty drastic is going to happen and we are not sure that the most we can do about will be enough.''


Giving at the 'giving meter'


'Basic interactions'