New England Diary

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Green energy here and there

A group of small wind turbines in  DaliYunnan, China

— Photo by Popolon 

From Robert Whitcomb’s “Digital Diary,’’ in

I think  that much of the future of alternative green energy will be in small-scale, “distributive energy” projects, such as the small wind turbines that the Bank of America wants to put up at 3400 Pawtucket Ave., in East Providence. As these proliferate, electricity-generation by big regulated utilities will become less important.

We’ll get increasingly used to seeing solar-energy arrays and small wind turbines in parking lots and on roofs of  office buildings,  factories and apartment buildings all over the place.

Suntactics dual axis solar trackers are useful for small businesses.

— Photo by Adsala 

And hit this link for an unusual small solar device: