Mass. promoting addiction; best place to live?
Odds boards in a Las Vegas facility
— Photo by Baishampayan Ghose
Adapted from Robert Whitcomb’s “Digital Diary,’’ in
Much of sports beyond the high-school level is becoming an adjunct of the huge sports-betting industry, which continues to create ever more gambling addicts. Massachusetts is doing its part to make things worse by now allowing – actually, encouraging -- sports betting in order to get more tax revenue – instant gratification on whatever electronic device you want.
The release of dopamine during gambling occurs in brain areas similar to those activated by taking certain widely abused drugs. Similar to drugs, repeated exposure to gambling and its associated uncertainty and anxiety, as well as its happy rush, produces lasting changes in the human brain.
Remember that betting is rife among poor people.
So state government will inevitably cause another increase in the social ills associated with addictive gambling – substance abuse, bankruptcies, embezzlements, etc.
A portion of the gorgeous Connecticut River Valley in South Deerfield, Mass.
— Photo by Tom Walsh
WalletHub has declared Massachusetts the best state to live in, based on affordability, the economy, education and health, quality of life and safety.
Rhode Island, a much poorer state, was way down at 28th, and Connecticut, with its troubled cities, a mediocre 25th. But New Hampshire was 6th, Maine was 11th and Vermont 12th. Those are known for their calm, civic-minded cultures and, yes, relatively homogeneous populations.
Interestingly, two other states with large urban populations and high taxes, like the Bay State, ranked high– New Jersey 2nd and New York 3rd.
The central factor: Good public services and the willingness to pay for them. The worst states to live in, as usual Trump cult states. Suckers!
But as always, take all such rankings with skepticism. Comparing apples with oranges, etc.
To read the whole list, hit this link.