The 'cat prefers the rain to me'
TIME Magazine cover from March 2, 1925 featuring Amy Lowell.
The vine leaves against the brick walls of my house,
Are rusty and broken.
Dead leaves gather under the pine-trees,
The brittle boughs of lilac-bushes
Sweep against the stars.
And I sit under a lamp
Trying to write down the emptiness of my heart.
Even the cat will not stay with me,
But prefers the rain
Under the meagre shelter of a cellar window.
— “November,’’ by Amy Lowell (1874-1925), very eccentric, cigar-smoking Boston-based Imagist poet
To read how she helped save The Boston Athenaeum, please hit this link. (The article contains the error that she died in 1920.)
The formidable Boston Athenaeum