Dirty work

Patricia Rangel at work creating am abstract landscape. She's in  the group  show "Through Line,'' at the Lamont Gallery, in Exeter, N.H., Sept. 5-Nov. 23

The gallery says:

“Rangel responds to dirt as a material that can present vulnerability, failure, strength, and potential to promote growth and change.  The structures she creates are composed of dirt and found materials from places that hold significance. For her, the intersecting and overlapping of lines in this work acts as a metaphor for navigating complex emotions and the potential and opportunity for growth.


“‘Through Line’ celebrates basic mark-making as a foundation for the remarkable. Each of the six artists on view explores line through the lens of their distinct practices and mediums, ranging from marker to string, chalk, and even dirt! Together, they apply their shared interest in using lines as the basis for their work to boldly illustrate how understated, rudimentary marks can be explored more deeply. Collectively, the artworks on view act as tributes to the mark, celebrating the multitude of ways lines can be made, manipulated, and made monumental.’’