Prepare for ruthless kleptocratic tyranny after Nov. 5; you can't hide
John Adams, in a 1793 painting by John Trumbull. Adams would have been mortified by Trump and his followers.
Birthplace of John Adams, in Quincy, Mass. This house is now part of the Adams National Historical Park, operated by the National Park Service, and open to the public.
— Photo by Daderot
"The fundamental article of my political creed is that despotism, or unlimited sovereignty, or absolute power is the same in a majority of a popular assembly, an aristocratical council, an oligarchical junto, and a single emperor. Equally arbitrary, cruel, bloody, and in every respect diabolical."
— John Adams (1735-1826), a Founding Father and second president of the United States, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, dated Nov. 13, 1815. Both of them died on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.