Take a bright walk
Sunrise from the top of Cadillac Mountain, on Mt. Desert Island, Maine.
Seasonal differences in the Sun's declination, as viewed from New York City.
“Early Spring in New England” (1897), by Dwight William Tryon
Adapted from Robert Whitcomb’s “Digital Diary,’’ in GoLocal24.com
There’s good news for all who suffer from seasonal affective disorder. Solar spring began Feb. 5 and runs through May 4. It’s when daylight increases at the fastest pace during the year, gaining four hours and four minutes. This will gradually wake up plants, with such flowers as snowdrops blooming on south-facing slopes among the first you’ll see reacting. And wild animals will start getting more active, including that old recreation mating.
So no matter how dark world affairs may seem, there’s some hope to be found by walking around outside.