New England Diary

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Place for a calm brain?

Chris Evans

“To me, Boston is friends, family, and home… I’ve thought a lot about what ‘home’ means. For me, it’s where my brain stops asking so many questions. You can go to a lot of beautiful places, but even in those places my brain is a very active animal. By no means do I look down on the activity of the mind, but I also think the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is silencing that noise…. If you’re able to take a breath, to be still and be present, that’s living life. That’s bliss. Massachusetts is the place where my brain feels the most calm.”

— Chris Evans (born 1981), Boston-born movie actor. He grew up in the Boston suburb of Sudbury.

Wayside Inn, in Sudbury, Mass. It opened in 1716.

John Phelan  photo